Since I am still in college and live with my parents it is a little hard to have all my adult things (and massive amounts of clothes/shoes/purses) in a single room, but today I got organized and made some progress. I thought I'd snap some pictures and show you my progress!
I HAD to start with my closets and drawers! My clothes were falling out of every which way to the point where I didn't even know what I had! I ended up color coordinating my shirts in one closet and then separating all my jeans/dresses/dress pants/workout clothes/sweats/and shorts in the other closet. Here's what I came up with...
Black tubs with tags for hats, toboggans, and miscellaneous accessories!
Not a very good pictures, but color coordinated tops! :)
My drawers have never looked so good! I FINALLY went through my old t-shirts and threw some out.
Possibly my favorite space I organized today! I've got my skirts/coats on the bottom, dresses on the side, jeans and shorts stacked, all my workout gear above that, and then sweats on the very top!
Workout stuff! :)
So glad I separated my jeans and dress pants! I hadn't realized how many pairs of dress pants I had! Stocked up for student teaching! ;)
After dealing with all my clothes for the first few hours I decided to start on my SHOES! :/ My mom created an awesome shoe wall for me to house all my heels and shoes since there was NO way I would be able to fit them in my closet. I put away my winter boots and was able to set my scarves and belts out in cute red baskets.
I also went to town on my vanity! I share a bathroom with my brother, so I tend to keep all my primping things in my room and just get ready in there to avoid conflict! I labeled and organized EVERYTHING!
I separated and labeled my bracelets/necklaces/rings. I have an earring stand that holds all my earrings!
I also separated all my hair stuff in to a large red tub that sits beside my vanity.
I also separated and labeled my hair, nails, and lotion supplies!
In each of my drawers I separated and organized my make-up and beauty supplies.
For the rest of the room I just tried to clean everything up and create an open feel!
Man, it feels good to be organized... now let's see how long it will last! Fingers crossed until at least the end of the semester!
On another note, a great new blog I discovered

is having a FANTASTIC giveaway!! If you are one of my teacher friends you MUST check her out! :)
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