

I have to wake up at 6 a.m. for a 14 hour school/tutoring day and I drank a coffee a little while ago out of boredom and now I'm blogging. 

Things I'm excited for:

1. I only had one class today so tomorrow is like my real first day of classes.

2. My birthday is 9 days. 

3. My friend, Haylee, could go in to labor at any moment.

4. I'm getting my hair done Friday and it's going to REALLY different from anything I've ever had done. This is a big deal because I've always had platinum blond hair. Oh my. 

5. I hope I can spend the night with my best friend Friday after next and sing singstar.

6. I'm almost to 10,000 views!!!!! 

Things I'm not so excited for:

1. I have to buy a really expensive book for my reading block. 

2. I need to get up and wash my face and pack my lunch but I'm in a frazzle and can't get up or fall asleep thanks to the coffee. 

3. Taking a shower at the rec tomorrow.

The good outweighs the bad.

Goodnight. :) 


  1. Can't wait to see what you do with your hair!! I have been blonde for 10 years now, I don't think I could handle seeing my hair any other way, good luck!

  2. Elizabeth, I will post pictures when I get it done! I've always been naturally like WHITE blond and then it barely started changing color so I started getting highlights... I had vowed to never put anything in my hair to darken it, but I think it's time to go a LITTLE darker. We shall see how it turns out! I'm scared!
