When I graduated last year I pictured myself in a classroom full of 4th of 5th graders at a school 10 -15 minutes from my house. I would know exactly what to expect, what to plan for, and how to do my job. I would love every second of it and never have a bad day -- but that was MY plan, not God's.
Enter God -- I applied for and received a job in a special education classroom at Dunlow Elementary, a 40 minute drive one way, not to mention out one of the curviest roads I've ever been on (CAR SICK). My first day of school I had NO idea what to expect, I had made all of these wonderful plans that FAILED, and I had NO confidence in myself. Not quite the picture I had painted a few months prior.
Eight months in and I still don't know what to expect each day I walk in to my classroom (today being one of those days), I still make lesson plans that may not work, and I still don't always feel confident in the job that I do, BUT I know that this was God's path for me.
I have fallen in love with the four most incredible children I have ever met and whether they ever realize it or not they will help me be SUCH a better teacher to so many children to come. They have taught me patience I never knew I had, to always be 5 steps ahead and to never put limitations on ANY child!
The aides that I work with will make it difficult for any future co-workers I ever have because they work harder than any people I've ever seen. What they do on a daily basis impresses me to no end and I could NOT have made it through this year without them.
And there aren't enough words for what I could say about Dunlow Elementary School. I'm satisfied to say that it is one of the best schools in West Virginia. The principal, the staff, the students, and even the secretary are outstanding.
I know there are still two more months of school left, but it's just been one of those days when you questions why you are where you are. After a few hours of laying on the couch with a headache, I realize this is where I was supposed to be this year, and although I don't always say it, I'm so thankful.
I've learned more this year than I probably will the rest of my career teaching.
My hope is that I can learn to accept God's plan for me and stop worrying so much about the plans I have for myself. He seems to know better than I do.
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