
What I've Been Up To: BOWS

I haven't been able to post for about a week because I have spent every minute of free time I've had crocheting bow headbands. Yes, bow headbands...

Before I show you them, I have to tell you the story behind them.

My grandma taught me how to crochet when I was a little girl, but there's never really been anything I was interested in enough to dedicate that much time to. 

A few weeks ago when my girlfriends and I went to visit my grandparents we showed my grandma a picture of this bow headband on Pinterest that we wanted her to try to make. 

A week or so later here came a package and grandma had crocheted us all these headbands. 

I put this picture up on Instagram and could not BELIEVE the feedback.

So many people liked it that I decided to give it a whirl and lo and behold I made this one!!!

Needless to say ever since that day I've been getting requests like crazy and it has been a HUGE blessing! 

Let me tell you that part of the story now...

A few days before my package from Grandma arrived I started really stressing out because I LOVE buying gifts for people around the holidays and let's just be honest... I'm a broke college kid. 
I even went in to my mom and broke down because I just wanted to be able to buy my loved ones gifts and had NO idea how I was going to get money in less than a month! 

Then all of this happened and I've got 48 orders to date! 

So, to every lady that has purchased a bow headband, THANK YOU. You are a blessing to me. 

If you would like to place an order or have any questions feel free to e-mail me at Caseydee09@yahoo.com

1 comment :

  1. So cute!! I love the look and the functionality of it :) I think my goal for 2013 should be, learn how to knit!

    ps: Southern Color nominated you for the Liebster Award!
