It is already September! Where has this year gone?!
September is, hands down, my favorite month of the year for a few reasons:
1. The WVU/Marshall game is always the first weekend in September, which means I go up to Morgantown and hang out with my boy!
2. Labor Day weekend is always our first day off of school!
3. My BIRTHDAY is September 5th! I'll be the big 2-2! (which is kind of boring)
(Last year on our birthday)
And I also share a birthday with my best friend! Double the celebration!
(Celebrating in Vegas last year for my 21st)
4. My Mom and Dad's anniversary is the 4th! They'll be celebrating 30 years!
5. My boyfriend's birthday is the 19th!
And this year there are some special events happening in September!
This weekend one of my oldest friends is getting married!
Next weekend my brother, boyfriend and I are going to Columbus to watch the Buckeyes play!
The last weekend in September I'm helping throw a baby shower for my nephew to be!!!
But, the most recently added, and most significant September event happening this month is that one of my BEST FRIEND's who I haven't seen in 2 years is coming to West Virginia from Louisiana to visit!!!
The first time I met this sweet gal in May 2009 at the Al Neuharth Free Spirit Journalism Conference.
A year a half later in October 30, 2010, in Louisville.
I can't wait to post another on September 23, 2012 -- almost 2 years later!
Now that I've shared my favorite month with you, I hope you make the most out of YOUR September! I don't think mine could be anymore booked!
Oh, and at the top of my birthday wish list -- 10,000 views! I'm less than 50 views away!
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