Last week was hectic as all get out... I kind of slacked on blogging towards the later half of the week because I was so exhausted. I had several project due and wanted to share them with you!
I have to teach a lesson for my Elementary Math Methods class, Wednesday, and I decided to get a little help from one of my blogger role model, Cara Carroll! I am using her Pizza Fraction activity, found here as my main activity. She is so fun!
I decided to expand off of her lesson for my bulletin board, learning wheel, and file folder lesson! Here is how they all turned out.
We had to make an interactive bulletin board for our kids to use, so I came up with this! I used the pizza boxes that I will do my activity with my students with and velcroed them to the board. The students will have to lift the pizza and answer the question that is posted beside each pizza by using the numbers in the green pouch. Here's a closer look!
We aslo had to make a learning wheel and I decided to continue with my pizza fraction theme and made mine into a pizza!
I also made a file folder game for the students to play during down time to practice identifying fractions!
I actually had a TON of fun making all of this stuff and plan to use it all Wednesday when I teach my lesson! I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!
I also finished up my clinicals last week and decided to make some goodies for all my kids and teachers, so I hit up pinterest and found some awesome ideas!
You're a "kool" kid! Loved these! Fun and inexpensive! Plus I wrapped a ribbon around my krazy straws to make it look like a bouquet!
My friend, Morgan Henson, did this little treat when she had clinicals with my mom and I had to steal! You fill a tumbler with flavored tea and the tag says "Thank you for being a great TEAcher"! How cheesy and teacher-ish! Love it!
In other news, my blogger friend, Kate nominated me for the Liebster Award for up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers (let's try to change that)!
Here are the rules:
1. Choose 5 blogs to give awards.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog.
List the blogs you gave the award to with the links to their sites. Leave them comments or send them e-mails to let them know they received the award.
5. Share five random facts about yourself.
Here are my fabulous five!
Lindsay -
Kayla -
Ashley -
All of these ladies are super fun and have super cute blogs!
Now here are five random facts about me.
1. I am a twin.
2. I have never been to New York City.
3. I am terrified of clowns.
4. I don't live around ANY of my family. Closest is 2 hours away.
5. I have been to at least 10 concerts with my best friend in the past 2 years.
Whew, okay that was fun, but now it's time for school!
Happy Monday!
AWWW Love it!! Thanks Case! I LOVE IT! Totally participating!