
The Everything Post

There is about a hundred different things on my mind to blog about right now so I guess I'll just start from the beginning. Please forgive me if this gets a little lengthy, but I had a LONG day.

Overslept this morning due to the nice thunder storm that rolled through. I can't ever seem to get up when I hear rain falling outside in the morning. (Maybe because I know I'll be walking all over campus in it when I do eventually get up.)

Anyway, I really wanted to break out a maxi-dress today, but realized that was out of the question when I saw the forecast, so I had to quickly change and pick something comfortable for a long day on campus.
This is what I came up with...

Comfy Miss Me jeans that I rolled up in to capris. I HATE when the bottom of my jeans get wet! 

Plain white T and a bright, solid colored scarf.

Finished it off with royal blue flats to jazz up the casual look! 

So, as I'm rushing to get ready I realize I only have a short amount of time to get my bags packed, eat breakfast, and commute to campus. (30 minute drive) I have been really in to my diet and fitness for about three months now (Here comes the myfitnesspal.com plug!) YOU ALL SHOULD REALLY JOIN MY FITNESS PAL AND ADD ME! I'VE LOST 17 POUNDS SO FAR! CASEYDEE09 <----
Okay, sorry. 
Anyway, I only had a short amount of time to fix a well balanced breakfast, so I decided on my favorite breakfast sandwich! This is only 250 calories and is the perfect morning meal because you get your whole grains and protein! It really jump starts your metabolism for the day and gets it going! 
The first thing I do is get my Sara Lee whole wheat English muffin (140 calories) and put it in the toaster. 
Next step is getting out what you'll need for what's going on the muffin. You'll need 2 egg whites, salsa, and cheese. 
Mix together the salsa and two egg whites (I know this doesn't look appetizing, but stay with me!) Adding the salsa is a great way to add some flavor without adding salt! Microwave in a small bowl for two minutes. It is important that you use a small bowl like this because it cooks it into a perfectly round egg to fit on your muffin. 

When it comes out, I like to sprinkle some cheese on top and cook it for an additional 30 seconds. It will look something like this when it comes out. 

Your omelet should come out the perfect size! 

BON APPETITE! About 4 minutes to make and well under 300 calories! 

Okay, so I was running about ten minutes late for my math methods class this morning, but so was my professor! (I love having professors who have children. They understand that sometimes stuff comes up -- or you just can't make yourself get out of bed.)

The rest of the day was kind of boring. I worked until 1 and then studied with a friend for our PHYSICAL SCIENCE exam this evening. Sorry, I just feel the need to always capitalize PHYSICAL SCIENCE because it is the most dreadful course that Marshall makes Elementary Education majors take -- and there are two different classes of it we have to take! 

I'm also in a fantastic program that Marshall University received a grant for this semester. It is our Science Methods class, but instead of doing our clinicals observing in a classroom it is for after school programs and we actually teach all the lessons! While it has been a long semester of writing lesson plans and revising them, it has been a great experience. The program is called SCI-Talks. The whole goal of the program is to get students TALKING about science. It was so funny the first time we had the students gather in a circle at the end of the lesson to do the actual "SCI-Talk" because they all just sat there and raised their hands. We tried to explain to them that they were allowed to just say what was on their minds and they thought that was so strange! Once the kids got the hang of it, they literally blew me away with all the knowledge they had in their little brains! The way we conduct our SCI-Talks lessons are a little different, but so fun and SO effective. Here is a quick outline of our lesson for any of my teacher friends. I know science is a rough subject to teach, especially if you are like me and didn't have very fun science teachers.

We always start by doing an activity to try to get them to figure out what we're doing. This is the ENGAGE process. I'll give you an example of the lesson I wrote on friction.

We started the lesson by making a graphic organizer with "Motion Stops Because..." in the inside circle. We then instructed the students to write why motion stops. This got them thinking and we shared ideas. Note that they did not know what we were learning about today. 

Finally, one of my students said, "Friction". This is how we introduced our topic! The students got to discover it on their own! We then did our activity. I sat up 4 different ramps each with a different material covering it. On one I put nothing, the next I used silk, then cotton, then a beach towel. We had the students time matchbox cars going down each ramp and record their different times in their "science journals" (which they LOVE!). After the experiment we gathered around the tables and talked about our discoveries which eventually lead to them unveiling that the "rougher" the material, the more friction it will produce. 

We then had a SCI-Talk about the experiment and the students got to apply friction to their favorite sports and discussed whether friction is a good or bad thing in their particular sport. 

Finally, the students drew a picture of what their everyday life would be like without friction! The results were hilarious! They drew themselves falling down the hallways, cars crashing everywhere, and slipping on the football field. This is what I used as part of my summative assessment. 

The main idea, though, is that the students get to discover and figure things out for themselves, I am merely there for direction and guidance -- They are doing the teaching and the learning. 

If you have any questions or want to know more details about SCI-Talks or the program please feel free to ask! 

As for me, my Buckeyes just came on, so I'm out! GO BUCKS!!!

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