
T'was the Week Before Christmas...

Things are wild in 5th grade this week, but I wanted to take a few minutes to post about my plans for "the week before Christmas"! 

We have several different events that take place during the week before Christmas that have us in and out of the classroom. It's also an early release day on Friday and the 3rd six weeks ends on Tuesday. This makes it hard to plan instructional time, so this is what I've come up with.

We have a math pacing guide we are to follow throughout the year. I've put together an all-encompassing assessment with a couple problems from each standard we've worked on thus far in the year. I'm going to give it to my kiddos tomorrow and analyze the data over the weekend, separating my kids in to intensive groups for next week to work on the lowest assessed standards based on their results. 

My plan is to have each student work on their two lowest standards in rotations throughout the week, whenever we have an opportunity to work on math! I have accumulated a lot of task cards w/QR readers, some awesome fraction calculators, and have some interactive Jeopardy games that I can use as independent stations while I'm working in small groups. 

I'm anxious to hear your plans! This is my first "Week Before Christmas" in the general education classroom, so I want to hear what other teachers are doing! :)